# | README file for | | ELSA GLoria Demo Programs, ver. 1.00 | | | Copyright (c) 1994-96 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany) | | Subsidary: | ELSA GmbH ELSA Inc. | Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd. | D-52070 Aachen Suite 101 | Germany San Jose, CA 95131 | USA | | Phone : +49-241-9177-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350 | Support Fax: +49-241-9177-213 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA | BBS (modem): +49-241-9177-981 Fax : +1-408-935-0370 | BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-9177-7800 BBS : +1-408-935-0380 | CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA | WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com | | 02/01/96, qn Table of Contents 1. Contents 2. Requirements 3. Installation 4. Hints ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Contents This directory contains the following files: LIESMICH.TXT README.TXT 3DLABS.RAW CVIPERS.OBJ DATE.DOC OGL256~1.RAW README.TXT RG.EXE SCREEN.OBJ TEX1.RAW TEX2.RAW TRACK.RG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Requirements It is required that WINDOWS NT 3.5 is properly installed on your machine and the ELSA GLoria Windows NT driver with OpenGL support runs correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Installation To install the demo programs please copy all files on this disk in one directory on your harddisk. Start WINDOWS NT, select in the "Program-Manager" "File", "New...", "Programs" and select the EXE-files to create the program icons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Hints With these demo programs you can test the OpenGL support of your Gloria graphics board. To run the programs please click on the created icons. There are different possibilities to change the functionality of some programs (Roller Coaster, Car Race). - With "H/h" you can activate the help function. - With "blanc" you can activate the display of the frame rate.